
Right2Protest wants to guide protesters and use their organization to ensure that advocacy is enforced for all those exercising their constitutional right to protest by providing them with legal assistance across South Africa. I created a series of 50 hand drawn illustrations that represent an ideal world where protesters can exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful place of dissent.

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Value Proposition

Together with Right2Protest, we repositioned the organizations value proposition by applying creative strategy to realign their ourpose with their ongoing evolution.

Visual Language

Orange is used when speaking about the organization’s values.

Green will be used when speaking directly to protestors.

R2P 🌎 World

I was asked to create an infographic booklet that can be distributed on the organization’s website and be present on their social media channels in the form of a digital awareness campaign.

I created a series of 50 hand drawn illustrations that represent an ideal world where protesters can exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful place of dissent


Right2Protest is the only coalition of organizations that enforces advocacy for all in South Africa who seek to exercise their constitutional right to protest in an era of repression.

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